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Bonum Bank’s notification of an application for the admission of a security to trading in a regulated market, Nasdaq Helsinki

Bonum Bank Plc Stock Exchange Release 29.1.2019 at 13:20

Bonum Bank’s notification of an application for the admission of a security to trading in a regulated market, Nasdaq Helsinki

Bonum Bank has issued a new 20 million euro bond. The bond is floating rate and maturing 29th January 2021. Bonum Bank has filed today an application for the admission of this bond issue to trading in a regulated market.

Additional information:

Pia Ali-Tolppa, CEO, Bonum Bank Plc, tel. +358 50 3031476, pia.ali-tolppa@poppankki.fi

Timo Hulkko, director, Bonum Bank Plc, tel. +358500 894 008, timo.hulkko@poppankki.fi


Nasdaq Helsinki Oy
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